While we are gearing up for the completion of Assessments, the kids are really working on independence and time management.
This is Josiah's first week as Team Spencer President, and he is already on a roll. He has assigned students to his cabinet who he thinks can do the jobs that need to be done. By Thursday, he was ready to run the session of government on his own. Mason, the new Treasurer, discussed some equitable tax options so that poor people can still afford to do business in our class. Zoey, the Secretary of Jobs and Commerce, set out to find ways to help our class's unemployment problem where the opportunities to earn money are uneven. Ben worked on finding out which charity we should help next, by taking suggestions from the class.
On Friday we travelled to the HQ of Equality Michigan to give them the money that we raised for them. Thanks to everyone who participated in our fundraiser!
We continue to work on our reading and our Hero's journey story. This week we wrote about Crossing the First Threshold into a whole new world and Tests, Allies and Enemies, where we learn who our friends are and who our enemies are.
In Math, this week was all about our 6 times tables. Everyone in the class is doing so well with memorizing their times tables, division is going to be a breeze! Several students have finished writing their multiplication song and only need to record it. Thanks to Josh who teaches all the kids how to write songs, so projects like these are a snap!
Team Spencer has published its first issue of Team Spencer News! This is a student written and run publication. If you would like a copy, please email our imaginary kid, Alexander, at ajackson@summers-knoll.org. For every person that orders an issue, the press gets a class dollar, so help them out!