Thursday, October 16, 2014

Reading Project

Hi Team,
As some of you may know, each student in the class is choosing their own novel to read.  This has to be a novel they have not read before.  After each chapter they are to write a 3 sentences summary of what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the chapter.  We are examining the story arc and plot progression of novels, and using them as models for our own self written novels.  Please make sure your students know what novel they will be reading and that it has been approved by me.  Many of the students have said that they forgot their books at home, so it would help if they were reminded to bring them to school for in-class reading.  These summaries can also be done at home if they so choose.   They can write their chapter summaries by hand, or type them.

1 comment:

  1. This is totally news to me. I will talk to Lilith about which novel she chose and help her remember to bring it back and forth to school.
