Sunday, February 28, 2016

New Civilizations

This week we read the picture book, Weslandia. In this book, a young boy named Wesley creates his own civilization in his backyard. Based on a central crop he creates, housing, clothing, entertainment, tools, and commerce. 

In keeping with our "Systems" theme, we have been studying and discussing the different ways our society runs and how societies develop. Our Stick Game is a part of this discussion, although the students are still working on how to make it work better.

In the coming weeks we will be creating our own brand-new civilization. We will have a giant territory for the entire class, with language and general cultural signifiers. The students will each create their own specific territory. At each step in the creation of our civilization, we will look at how different cultures have dealt with that stage of development.

It will be exciting to see what we come up with.

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